14 March 2016

Photography Challenge #1: Photo 19 - Backlight

The second cylinder on the Sterling Engine is kind of an unsung hero. The large main cylinder in the base gets all the notice, mostly because it takes center stage along with the flywheel in the Sterling Engine design. The second cylinder sits quietly in the background, running in quadrature with the main cylinder. Without it, the whole Sterling cycle would not happen.

It remains unsung no more. I wanted the second cylinder to be the feature of this photo, without resorting turning the whole engine around. To do this, I had to light the engine from the rear, but my speedlight cast too wide a beam. I needed a spotlight, so I put a snoot on it.

In this case, the snoot was a roll of brown shipping paper wrapped around the speedlight and held in place with a rubber band, but I'm sure more expensive, commercial solutions would work just as well. This light makes the second cylinder glow, drawing your eye to the unsung hero, while keeping the cylinder in context with the rest of the engine. Some additional lighting manipulation in post really emphasizes it and, as an added bonus, hides all the dust on the base plate.